Cloud-Based Training White Paper

  • Sep 19th, 2014

Learning in the Cloud

When working in a new role or with a new process, all operators grapple with the same problems. What do I need to know in order to be successful at this job? What gaps exist in my present knowledge and experience, and how can I redress those deficiencies? How do I even know if I have the right skills for this job, and how can I pull this off without making any mistakes? Where can I go to up-my-game, and improve my skills and proficiency? 

Providing a credible and readily accessible training resource for operators is critical to their growth and success, but traditional static e-Learning is insufficient. A cloud-based solution that is accessible anytime and can dynamically respond to operator needs, delivers a solution. By using virtualized systems in a cloud-based environment, operators can train using complete instances of their control system. 

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